SNP - Pay Priorities All Wrong

Senior Councillors’ Allowances 2022/23 as at May 2022
Senior Councillors Remuneration
1 Deputy Leader and City Treasurer and Convenor for Financial Inclusion - £43,132
2 Business Manager and Convenor for Open Government - £43,132
3 Deputy Lord Provost - £32,960
4 Convenor for Culture, Sport and International Relations (and Chair of Glasgow Life) - £36,969
5 Convenor of Education, Communities and Equalities - £36,969
6 Convenor for Neighbourhood Services and Assets - £36,969
7 Convenor for Workforce and Homelessness and addiction Services - £36,969
8 Convenor for Climate, Glasgow Green Deal, Transport and City Centre Recovery - £36,969
9 Convenor for Housing, Development, Built Heritage and Land Use - £36,969
10 Convenor for Health, Care and Caring and Older People (and Chair or Vice Chair of IJB) - £28,144
11 Convenor of Contracts and Property Committee - £28,144
12 Convenor of Neighbourhoods and Housing and Public Realm City Policy Committee - £28,144
13 Convenor of Wellbeing, Empowerment, Community and Citizen Engagement and General Purposes City Policy Committee - £28,144
14 Convenor of Environment and Sustainability and Carbon Reduction City Policy Committee - £28,144
15 Convenor of Education, Skills and Early Years City Policy Committee - £28,144
16 Convenor of Net Zero and Climate Progress Monitoring City Policy Committee - £28,144
17 Convenor of Finance and Audit Scrutiny Committee - £28,144
18 Convenor of Operational Performance and Delivery Scrutiny Committee - £28,144
19 Convenor of Licensing and Regulatory Committee - £28,144
20 Convenor of Planning Applications Committee - £28,144
21 Chair of Licensing - £28,144
22 Leader of Opposition (Labour) - £28,144
23 Co-Leader of Green Group - £28,144
TOTAL £735,054
Total Budget available (maximum 24) £763,320
Plus Council Leader and Civic Head
Cllr Susan Aitken (SNP) - Leader and Convenor for City and City Region Economy and Just Transition - £58,719
Cllr Jacqueline McLaren - Civic Head £44,039
Total £102,758