Scotland's Nasty Party - SNP
What an astonishing lack of empathy, support and solidarity from Nicola Sturgeon.
A fellow SNP member is horribly abused on social media and receives rape threats, yet the party leader looks the other way.
No one deserves to be treated like this, but instead of support and solidarity Joanna Cherry was sacked from her front bench SNP role at Westminster.
The SNP is turning into Scotland's nasty party.

What's the difference between Patrick Grady, Derek Mackay, John Swinney and Christina McKelvie? (July 17, 2022)
Riddle me this, Twitter!
Q. What's the difference between Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, John Swinney and Christina McKelvie?
A. None, of course!
Derek Mackay resigned after sending inappropriate texts to a young teenager - even though the texts were 'personal'.
Patrick Grady was exposed as a sex pest after sexually harassing a young teenage SNP staff member - the fact this incident took place during a 'personal' or social visit to the pub made no difference and rightly so.

John Swinney and Christina McKelvie shared bare-faced lies about Ukrainian refugees on social media - yet the behaviour of the two ministers is excused because they used 'personal' Twitter accounts.

The only conclusion to draw is that Nicola Sturgeon is a terrible hypocrite for allowing John Swinney and Christina McKelvie to hide behind a bogus defence, as if a personal tweet is any different from Derek Mackay's texts.

The Patrick Grady incident was ignored by the SNP hierarchy for years, of course, and was only taken seriously after the victim complained directly to the Westminster authorities.