Joanna Cherry Is Not A 'Stupid Bitch'

Joanna Cherry QC is clearly not a stupid bitch, but is a target for this kind of vile abuse (and worse) on a regular basis!
Strangely I've never heard Nicola Sturgeon speak out in support of Joanna Cherry who is, of course, a champion of women's rights and a critic of gender ideology.
Nicola Sturgeon says she abhors this behaviour, but the man doing the name calling here (Matthew) says he is a member of the SNP.

Everyday Misogyny and the SNP (August 06, 2022)
I find it astonishing that a grown man thinks it's perfectly OK to speak this way on social media about a widely respected woman MP who has strong views on gender ideology.
Maybe SNP leaders taken action by now, as the tweeter claims to be a party member.
I do hope so because as the party of government the SNP have a duty to set an example and not to normalise by ignoring this vile behaviour.
If he talks like a misogynist..... (July 30, 2022)
.....and tweets like a misogynist, chances are he's a misogynist.
Imagine talking this way about a widely respected woman politician - if he is a party member, the SNP ought to make an example him.