COSLA's New President - Employed By SNP Minister

So the background to COSLA's new President is that Cllr Shona Morrison was employed by an SNP minister (Richard Lochhead) while acting as Moray Council Convener - see link below to the council's register of interests. 

Interestingly, the role with Richard Lochhead seems to have been conveniently dropped according to the latest register dated 01 August 2022.

Date of receipt of by monitoring officer: 18/01/2022 1) Remuneration Employment, offices held, trades, professions or vocations declared for income tax purposes. Moray Council – Council Convener Non-Executive Director - NHS Grampian Richard Lochhead MSP - Case Worker

Now I find it difficult to accept that any councillor (never mind a senior councillor) could do all three jobs effectively at the same time, and still provide 'value for money' to the public purse. 
The salary for an NHS Non-Exec is £9,000 and in return for a time commitment of one day a week

Ironically, no salary details or time commitment is provided for Cllr Morrison's job with Richard Lochhead - the SNP MSP and ScotGov Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work.
More disturbingly is the obvious conflict of interest arising from a senior councillor being employed by a member of the Scottish Government - which has been undermining local councils in Scotland and cutting their budgets for years.

Hands up if you believe that COSLA's new president is capable of standing up for Scotland's 32 local councils and the interests of local democracy - against the centralising, budget-cutting agenda of the SNP. 

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