Spider Sense and Godley Cheerleaders

 So the inevitable has happened - Janey Godley has been unceremoniously dumped from her lucrative advertising contract with the Scottish Government although it remains to be seen whether she is cast out and shunned by the SNP in similar fashion to Wings Over Scotland.

In any event, Janey 'had it coming' as they say because she's been out of control on social media for years and it has to be said that the SNP leadership including Nicola Sturgeon, of course, lapped it all up and cheered Janey on from the sidelines while the going was good. 


Spider Sense and Racist Tweets (September 09, 2021)

My spider sense is telling me that Janey Godley is about to be 'thrown under the bus' and that henceforth Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP chums will refer to the sometime comedian as Janey Who?

Same thing happened to the Rev Stuart Campbell whom the SNP leadership now fondly remember as Wings Who?



SNP and Wings Who? - What a Hoot! (February 22, 2021)

A veritable cornucopia of SNP luminaries are now hastily rewriting history with their desperate new comms strategy of Wings Who? 

What a hoot!


Friends of Wings vs Wings Who? (19/02/21)

Old friends of 'Wingnuts Over Scotland' don't like to be reminded that they saw nothing wrong with his behaviour until he started attacking and highlighting some of the flaws on their own side.


Wings Who? (19/02/21)

Here's a 2014 tweet from Lesley Riddoch, a well known nationalist figure, promoting 'Wings Over Scotland' and his wee blue book.

Former indy friends are now furiously distancing themselves, yet so many were vocal supporters when Wings was in his pomp. 


Wingnuts Over Scotland (18/02/21)

I've been a critic of 'Wingnuts Over Scotland' for several years and while it's good to see support finally beginning to drain away from this odious blogger - it has to be said that many of his cheerleaders down the years have been big names in the SNP and nationalist camps.  


'Wingnuts' Over Scotland (14/03/16) 

I learned the other day that I have been blocked from the Twitter feed of 'Wings Over Scotland' which I take as something of a backhanded compliment, I have to say.

Because this blocking business arose after I criticised as 'juvenile and sexist' an image that was being promoted by 'Wings' (and some his online chums) to mock and ridicule JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter books.

Now the chap behind 'Wings' goes by the name of Rev Stuart Campbell who is not a real reverend, by the way, and lives in middle-England despite being a fervent Scottish nationalist.

But the Rev had the brass neck to say that I 'disrespected' him (as if he was deserving of my respect in the first place) during our Twitter exchange which focused on whether the image was crude and stereotypical.

Needless to say Wings and his Twitter pals thought differently, like naughty schoolboys at the back of the class with their name calling and personal abuse, although I could well imagine the uproar if Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, had been portrayed in a similarly unpleasant light.

If you ask me, the Rev must suffer from 'wee man' syndrome which is familiar to folk in the west of Scotland; the symptoms normally affect vertically challenged males who are highly sensitive to criticism or ridicule while being in a permanently 'gobby' and angry state themselves.

In other words, they love to dish it out but they don't like it one little bit if others stand up to their boorish male behaviour.  

From my short exposure to these Twitter loons I would rebrand them as 'Wingnuts' Over Scotland because their intolerant and oafish behaviour is a poor advert for Scottish independence which is presumably why Yes Scotland decided to disown Wings during the 2014 referendum campaign.   

Or as Frankie Boyle remarked on Twitter recently:

"Can't help feeling that this persuading people to vote for Independence by telling them to go fuck themselves tactic has a few flaws."

Now that is funny, thoughtful and perceptive, and so much more important, politically speaking, than the angry, finger-jabbing invective that is often found on Twitter.

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