Scottish Greens - Money For Old Rope

The public purse is paying this individual a salary package worth more than £100,000 a year - just to read off an answer from a pre-prepared script.

What a joke!

Lorna Slater - Scottish Greens - Fotos | Facebook

Money For Old Rope | The Drunkbirder™


Wackadoodle Greens (September 22, 2021)

Just a short time ago Lorna Slater and the Greens were all in favour of a publicly-owned, not-for-profit energy company which has been abandoned by the SNP after wasting around £600,000 in consultancy fees.

But since she became an MSP and, more recently, a Scottish Minister (courtesy of the SNP) Lorna Slater has changed her mind.

Quelle surprise!


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