Dinosaur Labour

Joanna Cherry puts Labour's David Lammy straight by explaining she's no 'dinosaur' for standing up for women's right and single sex spaces which are, of course, guaranteed under the Equality Act 2010 - legislation passed by a Labour Government.

I'm sure most women and reasonable people agree.


Dinosaur Labour (March 20, 2019)

Down with all this rampant ageism - whatever's wrong with dear old Dennis Skinner as the next Labour leader (D.O.B. 11 February 1932)?

After all, the 87 year old 'Beast of Bolsover' could hardly be any worse than Jeremy Corbyn.


Dinosaur Labour (07/101/9)

Jeremy Corbyn thinks that Dennis Skinner (85) is a great credit to the Labour Party.

Now Dennis is the very definition of a career politician, so it would be nice if the old dinosaur made way for some younger blood, as a pensioner of some 20 years standing he's way past his sell-by date, if you ask me.

No doubt there are plenty of able women and young people who could make just as effective a contribution as someone who has been in the House of Commons for the past 50 years.

Dennis Skinner is a hero of our movement and as formidable now as he has ever been.


Statler and Waldorf

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