Sturgeon's Me(ssiah) Complex

Nicola Sturgeon wants the Holyrood elections to go ahead as planned on May 6 - Photo by FRASER BREMNER/REUTERS

Nicola Sturgeon has argued previously that the fight against the Coronavirus should not be 'politicised', but without a hint of irony she now says the election should be about 'Covid and Me Me Me Me'.

“If it is at all possible the election should go ahead because we live in a democracy and it’s right that people — perhaps even more so in a crisis — get the chance to cast their verdict on the government that is running the country and decide whether you want me continuing to steer us through coronavirus or not.”

I suppose it was inevitable that Nicola's dominance of the Scottish Government, the SNP and her bumbling husband (Peter Murrell) was always going to end up with her behaving like a president rather than a first minister.

But it does have a funny side if you don't take politics or politicians too seriously. 

Read the full report via the following link to The Times:


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