'Independence From Each Other'

Hugo Rifkind's My Week column pokes marvellous fun at the Salmond/Sturgeon saga, but he also makes a serious point about the essential gang mentality of party politics. 

'Independence from each other' - is a great slogan.


The prime minister telephones.

“I suppose you’re calling tae gloat,” I say.

“Partly,” says Boris Johnson. “But I was also hoping you could explain what is actually going on.”

So I sigh, and I say it’s complicated, but the real problem is that there’s just no independence.

“But you’re always saying that,” says Boris.

“Not from you,” I say. “Us. From each other. The problem is that my party, the civil service, and the legal system just immediately do whatever I even vaguely tell them to.”

“I wish I had that problem,” says Boris, wistfully.


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