Riddle Me This, Glasgow?


After Scottish Ministers announced yesterday that 'staycations' are to be banned in Scotland over Easter I've had to revisit my previous blog post.

The latest ScotGov advice appears to be that Glasgow is sufficiently free from Covid danger during April and May for the Scottish Parliament elections to go ahead in May.

But for some strange reason Easter 'staycation' breaks in April are still forbidden.

Curiously the Covid risk rockets again in June, July and August before everything calms down in late October and November just in time for thousands of COP26 climate change delegates  jetting in to Glasgow from abroad.


Riddle Me This, Glasgow? (05/02/21)

The Scottish Government says no one should be booking holidays in the summer because the ongoing threat from Covid-19 makes it unsafe to travel and gather in airports.

Yet the Scottish Government is planning to put Holyrood Parliament into recess and stand down 129 MSPs (and staff) from their normal duties, for several weeks, to campaign in new elections which are scheduled for 6 May 2021.

Polling day normally involves thousands of other support staff across polling stations and election counts who are largely drawn from Scotland's 32 local councils.

So all the activity around the Scottish parliamentary elections in March, April and May is deemed to be perfectly safe, yet SNP ministers conclude it's far too risky to go on holiday in June, July and August.

Now I think I've got that correct, but to add insult to injury the Scottish Government is also pressing ahead with plans to host a massive United Nations Climate Change conference (COP26) in Glasgow from 1 to 12 November 2021.

COP26 will involve thousands of international delegates from across the globe who will be staying in Glasgow's hotels and making use (hopefully) of the city's famous hospitality sector.

To recap: Glasgow is free from danger during March, April and May, but the Covid risk rockets again in June, July and August - before everything calms down in late October and November just in time for thousands of COP26 travellers jetting in from abroad.

Ironically, as COP26 is actually a prestigious UK conference which is being hosted in Glasgow no doubt Prime Minister Boris Johnson will attend at some point too, although at this stage it's not clear if his journey will be considered as essential travel by the SNP.   

Have I got this right, Nicola, or are Scottish ministers just having a laugh? 


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