Truthers = Nutters (11/09/11)

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I've watched two TV programmes in recent days - which involve otherwise normal looking people searching for the 'truth' about 9/11.

The people involved are conspiracy theorists - much loved in America - but as usual whatever happens 'across the pond' soooner or later finds its way over here.

But I was still surprised to see a BBC 3 documentary on the subject the other night - because presumably as a public service broadcaster BBC 3 programmes are financed with public money.

Maybe there is some public interest in showing what complete nutters these people are - though I can think of many better uses for the licence fee - than ferrying several young British conspiracy theorists around New York and Washington - for several days.

The 'truthers' - or nutters as I prefer - want us to believe the following crackpot theories: 
  1. That 9/11 was a US government-led plot
  2. That the Twin Towers came down in a controlled explosion
  3. That a US missile blew up part of the Pentagon
  4. That Flight United 93 never crashed in Pennsylvania before reaching its intended target - presumed to be the White House.
Now to believe any of that you would think someone would have to be a wide-eyed, raving lunatic - but the 'truthers' look and sound like normal people - until they get started on their favourite subject - 9/11.

So I won't be watching any more of these daft programmes - and I hope the BBC won't be wasting any more of the licence fee on such nonsense.

Not least because they are a terrible insult to the families of all the people who lost their lives - ten years ago today.

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