Course of History

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Tom Gordon writing in the Sunday Herald reports the views of the Scottish Tory leader, Ruth Davidson, who apparently believes that a slightly bonkers, Glasgow-based street campaigner named Sean Clerkin might just have changed the course of history by chasing the former Labour leader, Iain Gray, into a Subway sandwich shop.

I think she may be right you know because I wrote about the incident myself at the time and couldn't stop laughing for hours at the insanity of it all.

Sean Clerkin changed the course of history, says Tory leader

By Tom Gordon - The Sunday Herald

SEAN Clerkin, the veteran street campaigner who chased Iain Gray into a sandwich shop in the last Holyrood election, has been credited with changing history.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said the episode led to a backlash against the then Scottish Labour leader and produced a wave of support for the SNP.

In an interview with the Sunday Herald, Davidson used the moment as a warning about the unintended consequences of tactical voting.

She said: "We're where we are in Scotland because of tactical voting. There was loads of people in 2011 who tactically voted SNP to keep the Labour party out because they saw Iain Gray run into a Subway and thought he was a diddy and said 'That man shouldnae be First Minister'. And that allowed a majority government, meant that the referendum happened, all of these things.

"When it comes to something like that you don't know the law of unintended consequences. You will never cast a wasted vote if you vote for what you believe in."

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