Platitude Party

John Rentoul also sticks the boot into Ed Miliband's foreign policy speech with these comments in The Independent which re-brand Labour as the Platitude Party.

2. Miliband’s response this morning is to deliver a speech about foreign policy. Now that would give a decent Tory press something to get its teeth into. Even the BBC points out that Miliband supported the intervention in Libya in 2011 about which he now complains. Migrants drowning in the Med are David Cameron's fault: they are “in part a direct result of the failure of post-conflict planning”.

That will impress nobody. And if this is the best line to summarise the speech that Labour spin doctors can provide to the BBC, we might as well elect the Platitude Party and have done with it: “Genuine and hard-headed multilateralism with our values at its core.”

Meaningless political gobbledegook at its best.

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