'Truthers' and 'Trews'

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I've known for ages that Russell Brand is a bit of a 'whack job', politically speaking, but I didn't realise until I read this piece by John Rentoul in The Independent that he's one of these looney 'truthers' who believe that 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by the American government. 

I haven't watched Ed Miliband on Russell's the Trews programme and don't think I'll bother.

Election catch-up: ‘When working people succeed, Britain succeeds’ is ‘not just a slogan’

And other unconvincing claims from the campaign trail

By JOHN RENTOUL - The Independent

1. The Paul Greengrass video, Ed Miliband: A Portrait (still, above), is not bad. A Kinnock The Movie 2, although, like most sequels, not as good as the original. “When working people succeed, Britain succeeds. That is not just a slogan. That is a powerful idea about how this country needs to change.” That was a parody “hand of history” moment for me. At least Tony Blair really was making history when he said it.

2. Miliband was also interviewed by Russell Brand yesterday, although so far we have seen only a trailer in which the Labour leader adopts a fake Estuary accent. I am sure that when we see the whole thing Miliband will have challenged Brand on his view that 9/11 might have been an inside job.

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