Yes Scotland

I noticed the other day that 372,103 people have already signed the Independence Declaration - which is at the heart of the Yes Scotland campaign.

Now there are around 2.2 million voters in Scotland who will have a say in the 2014 referendum on independence and - depending on the turnout - 800,000 votes or thereabouts may well be enough to decide the issue one way or the other.

The Yes Scotland campaign has set itself the very ambitious target of having one million signatories by Referendum Day in September 2014 and with 15 months to go - that figure does seem to be within reach.

I'm told that people can only sign the petition by giving their name and post code - which are then checked against the electoral register to ensure that intentions are genuine and that people's names are not added willy-nilly.

I have still to make up my mind which way to vote, but I am growing tired of the tactics of the Better Together campaign - which I find shrill and negative with its relentless focus on what could go wrong if Scotland were to become an independent country.  

Yet some of Labour politicians who at the forefront of the Better Together campaign - are the same politicians who were in charge of the UK economy as it headed for the worst recession  in over 80 years - while famously proclaiming that they had brought an end to 'boom and bust'.

So, I take what they have to say and their endlessly gloomy predictions with a great big pinch of salt - because they lack a certain credibility as crystal ball gazers and have nothing really positive to say about increasing the powers of the Scottish Parliament - which most voters appear to support.

The Westminster Parliament seems increasingly out of step with Scotland these days - as do the politics of voters in England although I suppose a test of that will be how well, or badly, the UK Iindependence Party (UKIP) perform in the forthcoming Holyrood by-election in Donside. 

If you would like more information on the Yes Scotland campaign, their web site address is -

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