See You, Jimmy!

So the Vatican has given Cardinal Keith O'Brien his marching orders to leave Scotland without investigating or reporting on the allegations of inapparopriate sexual conduct - which led to the Cardinal's resignation in the first place.

Now this seems a remarkable state of affairs to me - because the Catholic Church is mired in scandals around the world over the behaviour of its priests - yet is unwilling to clear the air over Cardinal O'Brien by properly investigating exactly what went on and explaining how this will not be allowed to happen again.

Instead the Holy See's decision is to send Cardinal O'Brien into exile to some far off remote place - which has everything to do with saving the Catholic Church further  embarrassment and nothing to do with putting things right. 

In other words, the Vatican is simply moving its problem prelate which is completely ducking its responsibilities to the various parties involved - Cardinal O'Brien, his accusers, members of the Catholic Church in Scotland and, of course, the wider public.

In a mealy-mouthed statement the Vatican said that Cardinal O'Brien "will be leaving Scotland for several months for the purpose of spiritual renewal, prayer and penance".

Before adding that "any decision regarding future arrangements for His Eminence (Cardinal O'Brien) shall be agreed with the Holy See (Pope Francis)".

Seems to me this is a shameful state of affairs which amounts to little more than - 'See you, Jimmy - bugger off and gie's peace' - as the Vatican tries to sweep the whole business quietly under the carpet.

Which is a very strange, even cruel way for Christians to behave - if you ask me. 

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