South Lanarkshire

Readers from South Lanarkshire continue to contact me every day - asking if I can throw any light on various stories and rumours - which are the 'talk of the steamie' locally.

Two stories, in particular, seem to be causing people some anxiety and while I cannot say for sure whether these tales are accurate - here's how I would respond if the following hypothetical situations were to arise.

Scenario 1

'South Lanarkshire Council makes a 'cash offer' to anyone with an equal pay claim - offering to 'buy out' their claim in return for a legal waiver which means that people give up all their future rights and claims'.

Now, I would say, first of all that anyone who would fall for this - needs their head examined! 

All that the clients of Action 4 Equality Scotland should be doing at this stage is to sit tight, keep your eye on the blog site - and don't do anything without getting proper advice. Because I would regard any unilateral, unsolicited approach from the council at this time with the utmost suspicion - and I would trust their motives about as far as I could carry a fully grown African elephant on my back.  

Scenario 2    

'South Lanarkshire Council starts making changes to people's contracts of employment and conditions of service - without seeking the agreement of the employees' concerned'.

Now as I've said before on the blog site employers have a legal duty to consult over any proposed changes to employment contracts and cannot simply impose new terms to suit themselves - without inviting potentially costly claims and legal challenges for breach of contract or unfair dismissal.

So don't be pushed around or bullied into accepting new terms - without a full explanation of what exactly is going on - and get proper advice on how best to respond.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the trade unions seem to have gone as quiet as wee church mice these days?

Maybe they're busy doing other things, but if anyone can throw some light on the subject, drop me a note (confidentially, of course) at:

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