Freedom of Information

I have submitted another Freedom of Information request to South Lanarkshire Council - details of which are set out in the attached letter to the council chief executive, Lindsay Freeland.

I have to say I'm amazed that this information is not already in the public domain - either from  the Council directly or the trade unions who have a right to be consulted on such matters.

Surely union members would want answers to these points before agreeing to any changes - being proposed by the Council?  

So, if readers in South Lanarkshire can throw any light on the subject - drop me a note, in confidence, to:

16 May 2013

Lindsay Freeland
Chief Executive
South Lanarkshire Council


Dear Mr Freeland

FOISA Request

I refer to my letter dated 13 May 2013 would like to make the following related but separate requests under the Freedom of Information Scotland Act (FOISA) 2002.
  1. Please confirm the effect on average pay in respect of each role that is being reviewed, re-evaluated or re-graded? 
  2. Please confirm the date on which any changes will take effect arising from the proposed reviews, re-evaluations or re-gradings?
  3. Please confirm the details of any proposals to protect the pay of those who will lose pay following the proposed reviews, re-evaluations or re-gradings? 
  4. Please confirm the length of the pay protection arrangements? 
I would be grateful if you treat each of these requests as separate requests under FOISA 2002. 

I look forward to your reply and would ask that you respond to me by e-mail at:

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

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