Walking On The Moon

If proof were needed that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a failed state - then look no further than the country's forthcoming elections.

Because in order to stand to be a member of Pakistan's Parliament - a lawmaker has to demonstrate that he or she:

“has adequate knowledge of Islamic teachings and practices obligatory duties prescribed by Islam.”

The rules also require that a candidate must be honest and has not - “worked against the integrity of the country or opposed the ideology of Pakistan” - whatever that means.

Although I presume the intention is to ensure that before you can even get to the starting line - a prospective MP has to be a good Muslim as well.

The probing of potential candidates is done by Pakistani judges - and some of their questions have provoked great laughter and criticism in recent days - as people put themselves forward in the hope of facing the electorate.

One newspaper reports that - Aslam Khan Khattak - was asked to name the first person to walk on the moon before answering correctly, Neil Armstrong - who died last year, of course.

Another candidate was asked to to spell the word 'graduation' - while a woman was quizzed on how she would manage to serve as a lawmaker - with two young children at home.

So it seems while the rest of the world is banging on about fairness and equal opportunities - Pakistan is intent on running an old-fashioned, male-only, closed-shop.

Which kind of defeats the purpose in having an election in the first place - if you ask me.

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