Religious Symbols

The estranged wife of a would-be suicide bomber has been cleared of knowing about his plans for a suicide bombing campaign to rival the 7/7 attacks. Salma Kabal, 23, did not listen to husband Ashik Ali and was busy texting as he revealed his desires to ‘go Jihad’.
The picture above is of the ex-wife of a would-be suicide killer - Ashlik Ali - who was caught by the security forces before he was able to carry out his murderous plan - in an attack which he claimed would rival the 7/7 bombings in London.

Now Salma Kabal (23) was put on trial for allegedly knowing about her husband's evil plan but not  reporting his intentions to the police - part of her explanation being that she did not take Ashik Ali very seriously when he talked to her about "going jihad".

Now Woolwich Crown Court found Salma Kabal 'not guilty' last week - having heard all the evidence - but in the circumstances I think it was a fair case to prosecute and bring to trial. 

Yet Salma would seem to disagree.

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