Trouble Brewing in Unison

Reports from readers in South Lanarkshire suggest that trouble is brewing in the local Unison branch.

According to local people in the know, the Unison branch secretary is to be called as a management witness - in the ongoing equal pay claims against South Lanarkshire Council.

Now this will put the branch secretary - Stephen Smellie (pronounced Smiley not Smelly) - in the strange position - of giving evidence against the claims of his own members.

Local union members are up in arms apparently - because they've still to receive a proper explanation about just where Unison stands in relation to equal pay.

Women members have been demanding answers to a variety of important questions - but have yet to receive any sensible answers from the union hierarchy. For example:

Did Unison agree to lifetime pay preservation - for male dominated jobs?
2 If so, why were other Unison members not consulted - or asked for their views?
3 Why did Unison agree to new grades that place the majority of women's jobs - at the bottom of the pay ladder?

If you have something to say about what's going on within union ranks in South Lanarkshire - drop Mark Irvine a note at:

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