Tilting at Windmills

In the famous book Don Quixote, the eponymous Spanish hero makes a prize fool of himself - by declaring his intention to do battle with a band of giants he sees in the distance.

Sancho Panza - his loyal servant and companion - saves Don Quixote from his own stupidity.

By pointing out that the 'giants' are actually windmills and pose no threat to the gallant knight - or anyone else for that matter.

But it seems as if the spirit of Don Quixote is alive and well - among present day politicians - as far as defence policy goes.

First of all they place orders for two new aircraft carriers - that no one needs or wants.

Later it becomes clear that there are not enough aircraft to operate these hulking behemoths successfully - to fly on and off in sufficient numbers - to bomb some real or imaginary enemy into submission - in some far-flung foreign land.

The previous Labour government commissioned the two aircraft carriers - and the coalition government seems to have little choice by to continue with the project - because they are too costly to cancel.

But Lord Guthrie, former chief of Defence Staff, says that the Royal Navy will regret pushing for both vessels because of the costs.

"I think they are a bad use of money but they may have been impossible to cancel", Lord Guthrie explained. "I would not be surprised if the Royal Navy doesn't come to rue the day that they fought for two expensive aircraft carriers."

Spending vast sums of money on these vanity projects is a terrible waste - of all the other countries in Europe - only France is bonkers enough to pour public money down the drain in this way - and they have a reputation as 'cheese-eating, surrender monkeys' .

What's plain as the nose on your face - is that politicians have got their priorities all wrong.

Because two new aircraft carriers is just about the last thing the country needs - at the present time.

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