Outrageous Attack on Pensioners?

The coalition government has announced that tax relief on pensions is to be reduced - with the new annual tax free limit to be cut drastically from £250,000 a year to £50,000 a year

Well about time too.

Because the overly generous arrangements applied to only the most wealthy people in the land - and were hugely subsidised from the public purse to boot.

In fact this tax relief scam was another example - as with final salary pensions - of the many subsidising the few.

I am waiting to hear with baited breath if the Labour party and Ed Miliband - consider this to be an outrageous attack on pensioners.

Because that would be consistent with Labour's attack on removing child benefit from top rate tax payers - which it has described as an outrageous attack on children.

So much for the end of Punch and Judy politics.

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