Nicola Sturgeon - 'Nothing Will Be Off Limits'

Nicola Sturgeon has admitted deleting WhatsApp messages during the pandemic - despite once promising bereaved families nothing would be off limits. @C4Ciaran explains how a question he asked in 2021 is at this heart of the row. — Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) January 31, 2024 Ciaran Jenkins' asked a memorable question of Nicola Sturgeon about openness and transparency at the height of the Covid pandemic in August 2021. For his trouble the eminently reasonable Channel 4 news presenter was met with a disdainful, snotty reply - a nasty put-down - and told that 'nothing will be off limits'. Yet we now know Nicola lied to the press and the public because the former First Minister had already deleted her WhatsApp messages - as had many of her ministers and closest advisers.