SNP Sex Pest Apology Rejected - No Wonder!
The man who reported Patrick Grady for inappropriate behaviour is telling us he can't accept Ian Blackford's apology
— Radio Clyde News (@RadioClydeNews) June 22, 2022
No wonder the young man at the centre of the Patrick Grady sex pest scandal has rejected the SNP's apology.
Instead of being taken seriously and his complaint investigated swiftly, things were allowed to drag on for six years - during which time he was 'sent to Coventry' and blackballed by the SNP.
SNP - Victim Blaming Mentality (June 20, 2022)
The Daily Record's front page hit the nail on its head - the young victim of sexual harassment by a senior SNP MP has been bullied and punished by the party for speaking out.
A Shameful and Serious Business (June 15, 2022)
The irony is that Patrick Grady's punishment (a two day suspension) has been imposed by Westminster - not by the SNP which looked the other way while a young and junior member of staff was being harassed by a senior Glasgow MP.
The victim is now claiming he has been punished and 'sent to Coventry' by the SNP for raising his complaint.
So what do Nicola Sturgeon and Ian Blackford have to say because they're both very quick to condemn unacceptable behaviour in rival parties?

SNP Harassment Victim - 'Sent To Coventry' (June 15, 2022)
Fair comment from Valentina.
The SNP turned a blind eye to this affair and ignored its duty of care to a young staff member.
The staff member subsequently complained that he was punished and ‘sent to Coventry’ by the SNP for raising a complaint against the party's former chief whip, Patrick Grady.
SNP Staffer - Sent To Coventry (April 17, 2022)

Punishing someone who raises a complaint is an extraordinary way for any organisation to behave, but that's exactly what an SNP staff member says happened to him - after alleging he was harassed by two SNP MPs

To Send To Coventry (April 29, 2021)
I've just realised that not everyone is familiar with the term 'sent to Coventry' which I used in a blog post earlier today.
So it means to punish someone for stepping out of line and it's often associated with bullying through exclusion and intimidation instead of using violence.
SNP Shun Staffer After Harassment Complaints (19/04/21)
An SNP employee claims he's been shunned and ‘sent to Coventry’ after making complaints of sexual harassment against two SNP MPs.
These are very serious allegations, especially after the farcical handling of harassment complaints by Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Government.