SNP Staffer - Sent To Coventry

Punishing someone who raises a complaint is an extraordinary way for any organisation to behave, but that's exactly what an SNP staff member says happened to him - after alleging he was harassed by two SNP MPs

To Send To Coventry (April 29, 2021)

I've just realised that not everyone is familiar with the term 'sent to Coventry' which I used in a blog post earlier today.

So it means to punish someone for stepping out of line and it's often associated with bullying through exclusion and intimidation instead of using violence.


SNP Shun Staffer After Harassment Complaints (19/04/21)

An SNP employee claims he's been shunned and ‘sent to Coventry’ after making complaints of sexual harassment against two SNP MPs. 

These are very serious allegations, especially after the farcical handling of harassment complaints by Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Government.


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