SNP's Weasel Words On Zero Tolerance

Angus Robertson's 'weasel words' are shameful because the original incident involving the SNP's chief whip at Westminster happened six years ago - way back in 2016.

The fact that the complainer has been bullied and 'sent to Coventry' since then shows just how utterly unserious the SNP are about supporting the victim.

Meanwhile the perpetrator is offered full support and backing by the SNP leadership! 

SNP - In The Dock (June 19, 2022)

Patrick Grady is not fit to be an MP and ought to resign. 

Iain Blackford and Nicola Sturgeon have made the SNP look loathsome and corrupt - by protecting the perpetrator of sexual misconduct while the real victim was 'sent to Coventry' and punished for making a complaint.


SNP - No Shame and Zero Principles ()

The SNP has shown itself to be all talk and action after Patrick Grady, MP for Glasgow North, was found guilty of making inappropriate sexual advances to a young, junior member of staff.

Instead of investigating and dealing with the complaint themselves, the SNP is hiding behind Westminster whose disciplinary record against MPs is completely laughable, of course.

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