SNP - World Leader In Sweeping Things Under The Carpet

Just watched First Minister's Questions in the Scottish Parliament - what a shocker!

Nicola Sturgeon dissembled repeatedly about 'not sweeping things under the carpet', but of course the sex pest allegations against the SNP's Patrick Grady were first raised way back in 2016. 

The young male complainer was ostracised and punished for raising his complaint - in other words deliberately hung out to dry.

The SNP (years later) then took the cowardly decision to hide behind the Westminster authorities instead of investigating and dealing with the issues as a party - eg via the appointment of an independent third party.

So all in all this was a shocking, shameful and arrogant performance from the First Minister and the SNP.

Because the whole tawdry affair was indeed swept under the carpet and came to light only because of:

1) the complainer's courage and determination 

2) the press and media holding the SNP to account 

3) parliamentary authorities in the House of Commons


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