Not A Good Look!

Not a good look for the Scottish Government that on the day Scotland's census crashed and burned the minister overseeing the whole sorry affair (Angus Robertson) was swanning around in Brussels instead of tending the shop.

PS Who knows why the wackadoodle Lorna Slater from the Greens was there either?


Census Shambles and Baloney Threats (May 22, 2022)

I received a silly letter from the Scottish Government the other day about their dumb census - which is costing us all a small fortune.

The threat of a fine is, of course, complete baloney.

Because while the Scottish Government says they have not received a completed questionnaire - this does not amount to evidence the document has not been completed sent in. 

Census Madness = Incompetent Government (April 30, 2022)

I don't see how anyone can be threatened seriously with a fine for not returning their census form. 

Because all people need to say is that they returned the paperwork - since there is no way of proving otherwise.

The underlying problem is that Scottish Ministers have got people's backs up by politicising the census with daft questions about trans issues.

And their insistence on holding a separate Scottish census has already cost the public purse an extra £20 million - plus another £10 million as a result of extending the deadline to the end of May rather than 1st May.

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