No More FTQ or FTP?

I don't know if the people responsible read my blog, but the FTP/FTQ graffiti in Kelvingrove Park has been painted over with a much more wholesome 'Summer of Love' theme which has lots of flowers and a smiley sun.

I'm all in favour of genuine street art in designated areas, so maybe Glasgow City Council could take this on board, if it ever gets its act together and decides to tackle the graffiti problem. 

Is 'F The Pope' Offensive? (June 16, 2022)

Kelvingrove Park has some new, ugly graffiti which stands for 'F the Pope' unless I'm mistaken.

'F the Queen' seems to have been added, possibly for balance or maybe as an afterthought, who knows?

Glasgow City Council's policy is to remove all offensive graffiti as quickly as possible which is just as well, as there's a festival of some kind in the park this weekend.

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