Polishing His Halo

A kind reader from South Lanarkshire has sent me the following letter which appeared in the Hamilton Advertiser recently.

I think the paper's editor has made the right call with the heading - 'No halo for leader' - since the thought of Eddie McAvoy polishing his halo over Equal Pay is just too silly for words.   

No halo for leader

While some are calling for Eddie McAvoy's head, in his article last week he, is calling for his halo. 

This miracle conversion to equal pay seems more than a little disingenuous, to say the least. 

He says that he is in charge now, so no one should worry, but it surely can't of escaped him that he has been in charge of the Council for the last 15 years. He says that he would never intentionally pay women less, but can there be any doubt left that this is exactly what has been happening. He invokes the memory of Keir Hardie when Keir Hardie would have died of shame at being responsible for such injustice. 

After so many years in charge, fighting tooth and nail, to keep vital information out of the hands of the low paid workers, and after spending hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money to keep his secrets, the truth has now been revealed.

Estimates of the money which will now be paid to the women vary wildly depending on which paper you read, but whatever the amount, the requisite budget cuts will impact on vital services supplied by the Council for many years to come.

Name and address supplied

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