Bonkers BBC

The latest edition of Private Eye contains a great spoof article which pokes fun at the grilling received by the BBC's top brass recently - in front of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee. 

BBC Autumn Schedules in Full

I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue
Amusing panel show where BBC executives give unconvincing answers to questions about their massive payoffs

Would I Lie To You?
Amusing panel show in which BBC chiefs appear on a panel and accuse each other of lying. Who is telling the truth? No one.

Sherlock Holmes has to investigate where £1 billion of licence fee payers money has gone. He immediately finds it in the trousers of Mark Thompson, Mark Byford, George Entwistle and lots of other cheerful BBC executives.

Strictly Come Dancing
Entertainment show in which BBC chiefs appear in front of a panel and dance around allegations that they knew exactly what was going on, but were far too busy waltzing off with the cash.  


  • Pointless
  • Cash in the Attic
  • Who Do You Think You Are?
  • The Great British Rake Off (That's enough, Ed.) 

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