Welfare Reform
In recent weeks just about everybody and their uncle has had advice for the Labour leader - Ed Miliband - in response to his poor showing in the opinion polls which suggest that less than 1 in 5 voters can envisage Ed as Prime Minister of the UK. One of the suggestions doing the rounds is that Labour should bring its 'big beasts' back into front-line politics - well known faces like Alistair Darling, John Reid, and David Blunkett's names have all been mentioned. Now to my mind that would be a backward step, but that doesn't mean that Ed should listen to what the 'old guard' has to say - for example here's a strong yet sensible point of view on the need for Labour to challenge the 'benefits culture' which Chris Mullin felt strongly enough about - to put pen to paper, so to speak - back in 1999. Yet all these years later Labour is still struggling with the need to come up with a sensible policy on welfare reform - having neglected t...