Politics and Equal Pay

I've been invited to speak to the Green Party in South Lanarkshire tomorrow evening - on the subject of equal pay and Freedom of Information (FOI)

I'm looking forward to the event even though I thought my days of addressing political meetings were long gone - so I'll let you know how things go.

What I did want to say though, through the blog site, is that I'm quite prepared to speak pay to other parties and groups in South Lanarkshire - because the more that people understand what has been going on these past years - the better it will be for everyone in future.

We need fewer secrets on a whole range of subjects - not more, if you ask me.

So, if I get an invitation to speak with any of the following organisations - I'll gladly accept the offer, other commitments permitting:

  1. Labour councillors and Labour Party branches
  2. SNP councillors and SNP branches
  3. Lib Dem councillors and Lib Dem branches  
  4. Conservative councillors and Conservative branches
  5. Any independent councillors
  6. MSPs and MPs of all political parties
  7. Trade unions - including Unison, GMB and Unite

Wouldn't it be amazing to be invited along to a trade union meeting after all these years - to speak about equal pay and FOI in South Lanarkshire - with the ordinary grassroots members?

Now I imagine that certain people wouldn't be too happy at the prospect of an open and honest debate on these issues - with someone who knows what they're talking about, i.e. me.

But you never know.

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