A Galaxy Far Far Away

Now here's an amazing photograph taken by the Hubble Space Telescope which shows an image of an exploding star - a Supernova - that blew itself to bits 10 billion years ago.

The science buffs among you will realise the significance immediately, i.e. that the light from the Supernova therefore took 10 billion years to reach Planet Earth - travelling at a speed of 186,000 miles per second.

Which is fast - you've got to admit.

And it also means that the Universe is such an imaginably large space - containing billions of galaxies and stars - all at different stages in the great cycle of life and death.

I have a great sense of wonder and amazement looking at such images - but also huge appreciation for the scientists who are able to explain the workings of the Universe in such incredible detail. 

I suppose it's just as well we're finding all this out in the 21st century - because not that long ago scientists like Copernicus were persecuted and killed - for daring to point out that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the other way round.

I don't care too much which Gods or religions, if any, people choose to believe in - that is their business so long as they keep their views to themselves - and don't try to force everyone else to live under Sharia law - or as Mormons for goodness sake - or some other kind of overbearing religious fundamentalism.  

But I do mind when religious believers try to deny science and evolution - because anyone who argues that the Planet Earth is only 10,000 years or so old and was created by God in 7 days - is simply trying to drag us all back to the middle ages.

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