Who's Sorry Now?

Turns out that the idiot 'protester' who threw a fire extinguisher off the roof of Millbank Tower in London - during the tuition fees riot - is another posh middle-class boy.

Not - as some suggested at the time - a signed-up member of 'Anarchists R Us'.

Edward Woollard, 18, pled guilty to a charge of violent disorder at the City of Westminster Magistrates' Court - and his solicitor said on his behalf:

'Mr Woollard is pleading guilty and I make it very clear - he is very sorry for his actions.'

A charge of violent disorder carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison - under the Public Order Act.

Woollard's parents watched from the public gallery - as his case was referred to Southwark Crown Court for sentencing - at a later date.

The 18-year-old attends a top performing school - Brockenhurst College in Hampshire - and is studying for A -levels in politics, classics and philosophy.

Woollard apparently lives with his parents - in a four bedroom £275,000 detached house.

But he seems to believe that people from much less comfortable backgrounds - should pick up the tab for his higher education.

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