Synthetic Anger

The newspapers are full of quotes today from allegedly 'furious' MSPs - if you believe the headlines.

Apparently, our opposition MSPs are spitting tacks - because the Scottish government has not kept the parliament's tax raising powers up to date.

To do so would have required paying a large sum of public to HM Revenue & Customs - who control the database that would be used to raise or lower income tax - by up to 3p in the pound.

What a load of old baloney.

Because not even the trade unions are calling for a hike in general taxation - since everyone knows full well that such a suggestion would go down like a lead balloon - with the voting public.

Now maybe Holyrood would be debating higher taxes - if Tommy Sheridan and the Scottish socialists were still in the parliament.

But of course they're all too busy - dealing with other pressing matters these days.

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