Blogging Event

Here's a notice about a 'blogging' event which is being held in Edinburgh on Saturday 13 November 2010 - for any readers that might be interested in going along.

The following link provides all the details and the inviation is from the editor of the Slugger O'Toole blog site - Mick Fealty:

I manage the Slugger O’Toole blog in Northern Ireland, and we’ve been working with Channel 4, NESTA and a few other partners to explore the way that political blogs are changing politics – and perhaps more interestingly, how they could. We’ve been publishing the ideas on Lib Dem Voice, Left Foot Forward and The Daily Telegraph site already and you’d be more than welcome to repost any of the ideas that appeal to you on your site.

The event itself has three objectives:

1. To discuss some of the ideas that we’ve turned up so far on Political Innovation - here (more to come)

2. To introduce people who work around politics (either politicians, campaigners, civil servants etc)to some of the people and ideas that are floating around the blogosphere

3. To get bloggers together to discuss political blogging – it’s impact and where it’s going in Scotland (lunch and drinks will be laid on!!).

The event will have ‘open sessions’ anyone who wants to get something on the agenda will be able to. We’re also going to have a few ‘sidebar’ sessions where projects or software gets demonstrated and where some set peice discussions (around blogging and libel, or around the way bloggers and journalists feed off each other).

I hope you can....

a) Come along yourself on the day

b) Blog about the event in advance – we’re *really* keen to get some politicos who don’t fully understand the blogosphere and e-democracy along

c) Pick up any of the ideas that appeal to you / annoy you and blog about them as well?

I hope to see you on the 13th if you’re around? Please email the team at -
if you want to find out anything else about it?


Mick Fealty

Editor – Slugger O’Toole

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