
Showing posts from 2025

It's A Boy! - Says John Swinney

Some lovely news. My daughter Judith and her husband Paul have had a baby son, Rua. A warm welcome to my beautiful Grandson. We are all bursting with love. — John Swinney (@JohnSwinney) March 1, 2025 Congratulations to John Swinney and his family on the arrival of their new grandson, Rua!  Given the First Minister's support for self-ID and the trans lobby more generally, social media is having great fun asking him the obvious question: 'How does John know it's a boy?' The SNP and Scottish Ministers both seem to accept trans baloney about sex being assigned/observed at birth instead of a baby's sex being immutable - either female or male.   So Scotland's FM is behaving one way in his private life, but completely differently in his political life where the SNP  is introducing self-ID and transgender ideology by the back door - after trying and failing to change the law.

Trans Mania and Self-ID

Remember in my witch trial when Lisa Bildy put a photo of this man on the screen and had the @BCnursemidwife “expert” Dr. Greta Bauer testify that he is a literal woman—because he says so? I will never forget. — Amy Eileen Hamm (@preta_6) March 3, 2025 We have come a long way since trans zealots insisted this male Canadian schoolteacher was a woman just because he wore giant prosthetic breasts, a cheap wig and said he was a woman. The tide is turning - self-ID is on the run! 

Fantasy Politics, Swinney and the SNP!

Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity must be defended. If President Trump won’t stand with us on this, a U.K. state visit shouldn’t be on the table. — John Swinney (@JohnSwinney) March 2, 2025 John Swinney believes that men with penises can self-ID and just magically declare they are women - even rapists! Yet Scotland's First Minister also wants the world to listen to him about international affairs which are way above his pay grade!  

Rewarding Bad Behaviour

Rewarding the unreasonable and bullying behaviour of this teenage boy was absolutely the wrong thing to do, as well as a terrible waste of public money! — Mark Irvine (@Mark1957) March 2, 2025 What a ludicrous way to behave - a  teenage boy self-IDs as female and demands to change in the girls' locker room.   To add insult to injury his local school board awards him $150,000 for hurting his feelings.  

Strange Bedfellows

I know @rickygervais wouldn’t ever want the job, but I wish he was Emperor of the Planet or something… he’s absolutely right… — James Dreyfus (@DreyfusJames) March 2, 2025 Ricky Gervais is spot on about the extreme left and extreme right often agreeing on big political issues of the day - for example Donald Trump and Jeremy Corbyn share similar views on the European Union and Ukraine.   

Education, Education, Education - SNP Fail!

Image — Aye News (@newshacksreboot) March 2, 2025 Fair comment from Aye News - SNP ministers have presided over a drop in Scotland's education standards since Nicola Sturgeon declared this was the Scottish Government's top priority back in 2015.   The Times reports the proportion of students achieving  5 highers has fallen to its lowest level in ten years! The proportion of pupils achieving the ‘gold standard’ of five highers has fallen to its lowest level in a decade as equivalent qualifications become more popular — The Times and The Sunday Times Scotland (@timesscotland) March 3, 2025

War Is Hell - Damn The War!

Wise words from a wise man. More war is never the answer. — Adnan Hussain MP (@AdnanHussainMP) March 2, 2025 Strange - I have never heard Jeremy Corbyn condemn Hamas and the terrible atrocities of October 7 when Palestinian fanatics murdered, raped and kidnapped innocent Jews who were in the wrong place at the wrong time But for Hamas and 10/7 there would have been no war in Gaza.

Trapped In A Woman's Body?

  Now this made me laugh! N ot just because it's true, but because it pokes such great fun at the reality/science deniers and the John Swinney led self-ID lobby 

Swinney Beggars Belief

  John Swinney's support for self-ID and men with penises magically declaring they are women is turning Scotland into a laughing stock. Having tired and failed to change the law SNP ministers are now trying to introduce self-ID by the back door - via the NHS and other public services.

Self-ID By The Back Door

"FEMALE STAFF CHANGING ROOM. ALSO INCLUDES MEN. DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE." — Wings Over Scotland (@WingsScotland) February 27, 2025 Fair comment on the efforts of NHS managers to introduce self-ID by the back door, but how can people promote such nonsense - how can a changing room be for female staff if men are allowed to use the space?

SNP - Scotland's Nasty Party

  John Swinney believes that a man with a penis can self-ID and magically declare himself to be a woman - so did his two predecessors Humza Yousaf and Nicola Sturgeon. The SNP is now led by cranks hell bent on allowing men to invade women's single sex spaces including changing areas at work and women's sport. Swinney & Co have lost the plot and are wildly out of touch with the views of most Scots.

Show The Ultras The Red Card!

Celtic ultras regularly bring the club into disrepute with their anti-social behaviour and partisan displays of support for controversial causes - such as the terrible terrorist atrocities the world witnessed on October 7 2023.   Now the Celtic Board have only themselves to blame because these morons think they are bigger than the club and can do what they like regardless of the impact on Celtic's reputation. Lots of people have strong views about the war in Gaza, myself included. I object to Hamas terrorists murdering, raping and kidnapping innocent people - and parading hostages like animals being sold at auction.    But using Celtic FC, hijacking football matches to make a political point is simply not on.   No One Is Bigger Than The Club ( November 01, 2023 ) Celtic FC have released a statement on the club's decision to suspend the tickets of the self-styled 'ultra' supporters known as the Green Brigade - follow link for details. Seems fair and reasonab...

Self-ID By The Back Door

It’s relentless 🤦🏼‍♀️ Read the room ⁦ @neilcgray ⁩ Trans NHS staff must be allowed to use ‘preferred facilities’ (share token) — Susan Dalgety (@DalgetySusan) February 20, 2025 The SNP now stand for self-ID by stealth - the shameless promotion of transgender ideology by the back door, via Scotland's public services - after their Gender Reform Bill failed to change the law.

Unrepresentative Unions

Meanwhile nurses have had to set up their own trade union to get protection and Sandie Peggie, a nurse of 30 years standing is going through a very public ordeal, because health unions support men who masquerade as women instead of standing up for their female members. Shameful. — Susan Dalgety (@DalgetySusan) February 25, 2025 The vast majority of union members, like the rest of society, reject the absurd notion that men can self-identify and magically declare they have become women. Yet a candidate for Unison general secretary celebrates a ludicrous conference motion which calls for men who self-ID as female to be allowed into women-only single sex spaces including changing areas and women's sport.     It really is nonsense on stilts and another sign the unions are activist-led not member-led - when it comes to self-ID the views of ordinary Unison members don't count.

Swinney, Self-ID and Single Sex Spaces

Great photo of a beleaguered John Swinney as Scotland's first minister tries to explain how he supports self-ID for men and single sex spaces for women - at the same time. Last time I checked onl y a man with two arses can ride two different horses at the same time. 

SNP Bad!

John Swinney is beginning to look a lot like Walter White - the demented villain of Breaking Bad

Swinney, Sarwar and 'Crank Activists'

Great piece by Euan McColm who lambasts the pitiful 'leadership' of John Swinney and Anas Sarwar over the nonsense of self-ID and men magically declaring themselves to be women. "Both men swerved to avoid their roles in allowing crank activists to erode the rights of women but, no matter how sharply they jerked their wheels, they couldn’t prevent themselves smashing head-on into the consequences of their foolishness. "The case of nurse Sandie Peggie - whose tribunal claim for discrimination and harassment against NHS Fife and Dr Beth Upton, a trans woman with whom she was obliged to share a changing room at work, will continue in July - has fully focused voters’ minds on the issue of self-ID. It is hugely unpopular, with fewer than a third in favour."

Why Would Anyone Believe Anything Hamas Has To Say?

Just as we remember the Great Famine, we will remember Palestine years from now – and those who stood firmly against the genocide of its people, writes @kellylgiven ✍️ — The National (@ScotNational) February 20, 2025 Hamas kidnapped innocent Israelis on October 7 2023 and deliberately put these people in harm's way - including Shiri Bibas and her two young babies, Kfir and Ariel. Who can forget that Hamas executed 6 other other Jewish hostages earlier in the Gaza war, with a shot to the back of the head, to prevent them from being rescued by Israeli forces.   

Forked Tongue First Minister

John Swinney - I am not going to comment on what my government is doing or saying! Scotland's forked tongue First Minister — Mark Irvine (@Mark1957) February 20, 2025 John Swinney refuses to comment on what lawyers are saying in court on the Scottish Government's behalf. But the First Minister is simply lying with his absurd claim that any comment from him would break the law. 

Now This Made Me Laugh!

'My arse is my elbow, and my elbow's my arse. I have no further comment.' — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) February 20, 2025 JK Rowling on John Swinney: "My arse is my elbow, and my elbow's my arse. I have  no further comment."

Riddle Me This, Readers?

This is the guidance @JohnSwinney keeps referring to. We believe that it instructs health boards to act unlawfully. It puts employees at risk of unlawful harassment & discrimination, and boards at risk of substantial legal & reputational costs. — For Women Scotland (@ForWomenScot) February 20, 2025 How can a single sex space be a single sex space - if it can be changed frequently and without consulting the 'regular' users? New guidance prepared by the SNP government suggests that decisions should be made on a made on a case-by-case basis because: “If a trans person is not allowed to use their preferred facilities, this could be unlawful discrimination on grounds of gender reassignment."  But why should the views or feelings of a man who self-IDs as female trump the views and feelings of women who object to having a man in their changing room - or object to having men in women's sport? It really is the most absurd SNP nonsense on stilts....

Darlington Nursing Union

  The Darlington Nursing Union (DNU) has been set up to protect women in the workplace. The momentum for this new union came about after a man, identifying as 'Rose', began using the women's changing room at Darlington Memorial Hospital. The nurses raised concerns, but NHS managers told them to be more 'inclusive' and 'get educated' - while the local trade unions including Unison provided no support. Now this sounds a lot like Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre where the chief executive Mridul Wadhwa (a friend of Nicola Sturgeon's) told rape survivors to 'reframe their trauma' if they wanted women-only support. Wadhwa is a man who self-IDs as a woman and has since stood down as ERCC's chief executive. Follow DNU @DarlingtonUnion - the union is free and it can run alongside any other union membership. Membership is not just for nurses - any healthcare professional can join. I wonder how long it will be before one of the big unions (RCN, Unison, GMB ...

John Swinney - Defending the Indefensible

This is nonsense from @JohnSwinney . Of course he can comment on arguments that HIS GOVERNMENT has made in court. We are at liberty to state our arguments in the SC case, as is he. What is he scared of? — For Women Scotland (@ForWomenScot) February 20, 2025 What an astonishing and false claim by John Swinney who says he cannot comment on what has been said on the Scottish Government’s behalf in the UK Supreme Court. The Scottish Government lawyers were instructed and briefed on what to say in court by Scottish ministers and their handsome fees were paid with public money! 'Full On' John is speaking with a forked tongue!