Yousaf - "At the helm, but not in charge."

Given all the lies, spin and dishonesty of recent weeks it's impossible to believe anything Humza Yousaf and the SNP have to say.

Brian Taylor hits the nail on the head with his column in which he argues that Yousaf is "at the helm, but not in charge."

Read the full piece via the link below.

Yousaf tries to distract us from SNP finance. Will it work?

By Brian Taylor - The Herald

JOHANN Lamont was wont to refer to them as squirrels. Yes, squirrels. Pay attention at the back. Have I lost some of you? Well, surely you remember Johann Lamont? Former leader of Scottish Labour?

Glasgow MSP, Hebridean background, feminist champion, wonderfully sardonic sense of humour, accused London colleagues of treating Scottish Labour like a branch office?

Yes, that’s her. Anyway, she would regularly suggest that her political opponents – chiefly Alex Salmond – were inclined to detect squirrels on the horizon if they were in trouble.

Her theory was that they would metaphorically draw attention to bushy-tailed rodents in order to distract the audience from awkward political questions.

Would the First Minister explain why hospital waiting time targets are being routinely missed? Yes, I will in a moment – but just take a glance at that charming squirrel, a Caledonian red if I’m not mistaken.

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