Humza Yousaf - Scotland's Answer To 'Eddie The Eagle'

The Sunday papers have plenty of great writing on the SNP leadership contest which will also, of course, decide who becomes Scotland's next First Minister.

The SNP hierarchy is badly rattled and is pulling out all the stops to ensure their man - Humza Yousaf - in installed as Nicola Sturgeon's successor. 

The same Humza Yousaf who believed just weeks ago that a man (any man) can be a woman if he declares himself to be a woman - until the shit hit the fan with the double rapist Adam 'Isla Bryson' Graham.

Yousaf quickly stood his firm belief in self-ID on its head by announcing Adam/Isla was 'at it' - in effect that he is a con man rather than a transwoman.

Ever mindful of his friends and supporters in the trans lobby Yousaf carefully avoided referring to the double rapist as 'he' or 'him', perhaps because he was instrumental in introducing self-ID to the Scottish Prisons Service, as Scotland's justice minister between 2018-2021.

Add to the mix Yousaf's role as transport minister in Scotland's £450 million 'ghost ferries' scandal plus his latest role as health minister with NHS waiting lists at an all time high - and you have an accident waiting to happen.

So I won't be jumping the SNP bandwagon because if you ask me, Humza is to Scottish politics what Eddie the Eagle is to Olympic ski jumping. 

Eddie the Eagle | Disney+

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