The Trans Lobby and Violence Against Women
Is the trans lobby sheltering this moron (and others like him) who held up banners inciting violence against women at a recent trans lobby in Glasgow?

Mystery Man vs Gaystapo Man (March 06, 2023)
Isn't it interesting that when a 'nutjob' tried to latch on to a 'LetWomenSpeak' rally in George Square he was quickly identified and exposed as Max Dunbar - a man with links to the BNP.
Yet another moron with apparent links to the trans lobby is still a 'man of mystery' - unless I've missed something in the media or from Police Scotland.
'Gaystapo' Man Exposed (February 13, 2023)
I can't be the only person to find it odd that Glasgow's 'GAYSTAPO' moron was quickly reported and exposed as Max Dunbar, a former member of the BNP.
Yet no one has yet identified the 'DECAPITATE TERFS' moron whose banner came from the Bonjour pub in Glasgow's Saltmarket.

Decapitate Terfs (February 13, 2023)
Still no independent confirmation about the identity of the moron holding up a 'DECAPITATE TERFS' banner at the recent trans rally in Buchanan Street - although the latest intel suggests it was a chap (a 'he') from Fife now living in Glasgow.
Decapitate Terfs (February 11, 2023)
Has anyone managed to identify this moron who was proudly parading a 'DECAPITATE TERFS' banner at a rally in Glasgow's Buchanan Street the other week?
Ugly, misogynistic messages like this are on display regularly at trans rallies, but the event organisers and key players never denounce the the hateful behaviour involved.
Instead they turn a blind eye even though the individuals responsible must be known to trans activists and their supporters.
Compare this with the reaction at last week's 'Let Women Speak' rally where people told the clown with a 'Defy The Gaystapo' banner to clear off in no uncertain terms - he was later identified as Max Dunbar a former member of the BNP.
So if anyone knows more about the ID of the 'Decapitate Terfs' moron, please share - or drop me a direct message.