Sturgeon's Priorities - Compare and Contrast


In January 2021 Nicola Sturgeon rushed out an urgent, heart-felt, unscripted 'vox pop' after being told that a tiny number of trans activists were threatening to leave the SNP - in a desperate effort to persuade her 'friends' not to go.

Compare this to the situation two years later after the SNP had lost 33,000 members - 10,000 of those in just six weeks as a result of Sturgeon's self-ID/gender recognition bill. 

No wonder the SNP is in such a terrible, self-inflicted, self-ID mess.


Nicola Sturgeon (January 29, 2021)

What a very odd statement from the Scottish nationalist leader Nicola Sturgeon!

Nicola's words appear to be directed at other SNP activists, but if their comments are disreputable and the people involved so allegedly transphobic, why is the SNP not taking action against the 'culprits'?

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