Police Scotland, Complaint Handling and Freedom of Speech


I have just written to the 8 MSPs who represent my part of Glasgow - let's hope I receive 8 considered replies along with some decisive action in the Scottish Parliament.

Dear MSP

Police Scotland, Complaint Handling and Freedom of Speech

I am one of your Glasgow constituents and I am sure you are aware of the furore surrounding the treatment of Nicola Murray from Brodie's Trust at the hands of Police Scotland.

Nicola was reported for a 'hate crime' after announcing that Brodie's Trust would no longer refer women to Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre (ERCC) following some highly controversial, ill-judged comments from ERCC's chief executive, Mridul Wadhwa.

Incredibly, two detectives from Police Scotland arrived at Nicola Murray's door, unannounced, to question her about the 'thinking' behind the Brodie's Trust online statement which read as follows:

“Due to deeply concerning comments made by the current CEO of ERCC we have taken the decision to no longer signpost to this service. We cannot in all conscience send vulnerable women to the service in its current state.” 

"Empathy, Trust and Victim focused service is at the heat of what we stand for and we have no interest in our clients religion, sexuality nor political views. Our purpose in post trauma services is to see our clients through the most difficult circumstances with compassion. It's heartbreaking to see what was once an exceptional service fail clients in this way.

"We remain a female only service, run by women for women and will not be intimidated into changing our stance on this matter, considering out support group is for those who've experiences pregnancy and loss through domestic abuse.”

I hope you agree Police Scotland's handling of this matter is appalling, intimidatory and misogynistic - and left unchallenged this is bound to have a chilling effect on freedom of speech.

I think it is also important to point out that Nicola Murray's perfectly reasonable statement is protected under the Equality Act 2010 - so what in heavens name did Police Scotland think it was doing?

I would be grateful if you will consider raising this matter on the floor of the Scottish Parliament, because the treatment of Nicola Murray and Brodie's Trust is completely contrary to assurances given by the Scottish Government during the passage of its Hate Crime Bill.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine


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