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Rackets, Fiddles and Public Money

When the great MPs' expenses scandal eventually came to light the political establishment initially tried to argue that, notwithstanding the obvious embarrassment, everything was 'within the rules'.

But the court of public opinion wasn't having any of this nonsense and MPs were forced to change their rules - and the same should happen with a system which allows the Greens to claim public money for being in opposition and in government at the same time.

Public Money, Public Code


Holyrood - Rackets and Fiddles (August 20, 2021)

 Lucerne Festival - Roger Federer: Racket vs. Violin? - YouTube

Here's a reminder of other crazy 'rules' followed by the Holyrood Parliament - tens of thousands paid to MSPs in hugely generous severance payments even if:

  • the MSP's conduct/performance has been poor, questionable or unacceptable (Derek Mackay - SNP) 
  • the MSP in question is taking up a new job (Aileen Campbell - SNP) 
  • the MSP is retiring with a handsome pension (Mike Russell - SNP).  

The Westminster Parliament said it was only 'following the rules', of course, when the great MPs expenses scandal was exposed, but that didn't cut any ice in the court of public opinion - and nor should this racket at Holyrood.


SNP Golden Goodbyes - A Racket - Not A Fiddle (July 11, 2021)

Tom Gordon hits the nail on the head with his description of Holyrood's golden goodbye payments scheme as a 'racket'.

The current scheme was put in place by MSPs back in 2008 and the SNP has presided over the same lousy system ever since.

Westminster has changed its rules, as have Wales and Northern Ireland, but the Scottish Parliament retained its scheme which is really the equivalent of money for old rope.

The latest beneficiaries include the former SNP finance minister, Derek Mackay (£54,000), along with outgoing SNP ministers Aileen Campbell (£75,000), Mike Russell (£76,500) and Roseanna Cunningham (£76,500) - and the first £30,000 is tax free.

As Tom Gordon observes:

"Our system is bloated, out-dated, inflexible and unfair."

So while MSPs may be following the 'rules' the fact is the rules are not fit for purpose and the SNP should be ashamed of allowing the public purse to be shamelessly ripped off in this way.

What in the World is Zyex, Anyway? - Squash Magazine

Definitely a racket not a fiddle!


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