Politicking Prof Is An Embarrassment

Devi Sridhar's books sales (see post below) must be doing badly because the politicking prof is trying to make the news headlines again with her latest advice - "don't go on a cruise ship ever".

Now the prof is only be able to peddle this stuff because she can promote her connection to Nicola Sturgeon and the Scottish Government.

But it's embarrassing that an official adviser is allowed to behave in this attention-seeking, self-promoting way.


ScotGov Book Promotions! (July 19, 2021)


Nicola Sturgeon promotes a book written by one of the Scottish Government's 'independent' advisers (the politicking prof Devi Sridhar) - by retweeting a Twitter advert to her 1.4 million followers.

What an extraordinary way for the First Minister behave - seems like politicians have no qualms about using social media to promote their own vested interests these days. 

If Boris Johnson behaved in this way, the SNP would have plenty to say - and rightly so! 

Sell More Books Easy Book Promotion - Writers Pay It Forward


Politicking Profs and Campaigning Advisers (July 19, 2021)

Scottish Ministers have a knack for appointing nominally independent advisors whose views seem extraordinarily partisan and pro-government.

Politicking profs and campaigning advisers belong outside of government, for obvious reasons, yet under the SNP they are being provided with a seat at the top table.


Politicking Profs vs Professional Advisers (June 02, 2021)

Covid expert, my arse!

Because the prof is constantly politicking, campaigning and point scoring in a way which undermines her claim to be an independent, politically neutral professional adviser.


Government Advisers - Two Bites At The Cherry (January 16, 2021)

Hands up!

Who thinks Prof Devi Sridhar would last more that two minutes as an official adviser, if she publicly criticised Nicola Sturgeon and/or the Scottish Government? 


Prof Devi Sridhar loves the limelight, something she shares with Nicola Sturgeon, but her role is to advise the Scottish Government as a member of its Covid-19 advisory group.

Now the prof is in a very privileged position - she gets to have her say privately in the corridors of power which means she has an opportunity to help influence government policy in the battle against Covid.

But the professor is getting two bites at the cherry because as well as being a member of a ScotGov advisory group she spends lots of time promoting her own personal views on TV and social media.

I've been a member of an official Scottish Government advisory body - SLARC (Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee) which devised a new national scheme on councillors' salaries and expenses in Scotland back in 2006.

The committee reported initially to Tom McCabe (Labour) as the ScotGov finance minister, then John Swinney (SNP) and finally to Derek Mackay (SNP) who resigned in disgrace on the eve of presenting the Scottish Government's 2020 budget.

Yet I never once remember any SLARC members campaigning and politicking publicly after having had their say inside the committee itself.

So I can only surmise that standards inside the Scottish Government are being allowed to slide.


Covid, Governments and Expert Advice (10/01/21)

I remember the good old days when government advisers advised and ministers decided whether to not to accept their advice after weighing up all the options.

If an adviser's advice was not accepted or, worse still, rejected out of hand, they have always enjoyed the honourable course of resigning.  

I haven't seen Professor Chris Whitty or Sir Patrick Vallance in the media and social media  promoting their own personal views on how best to deal with the ongoing public health emergency.  

So I wonder if Professor Sridhar is speaking on her own behalf of floating an idea on behalf of the Scottish Government's Covid-19 advisory group.


Selective Criticism and Sanitising Covid (February 03, 2021)

A fair assessment of the 'politicking prof' by Iain Macwhirter. 


Weasel Words on Covid (16/10/20)

Here's a opinion piece from Devi Sridhar who is a member of the Scottish Government's Covid-19 advisory group. 

I completely agree with the main thrust of her argument that continual lockdowns are not the way to bring Covid under control.

But virtually every criticism Professor Sridhar makes of the UK Government can be levelled at the Scottish Government in Edinburgh as well. 

I wonder why the Prof is so selective with her criticisms?   



Continual lockdowns are not the answer to bringing Covid under control

By Devi Sridhar - Devi Sridhar 

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