Weighty Debates and Presidential Podiums

Now it could be just a rumour, or maybe even Chinese whispers, but I hear tell that Donald Trump's podium had to be specially reinforced for the final presidential debate.


Trump's Girth Certificate (19/01/18)

Donald Trump is reportedly 6 feet 3 inches tall and according to his latest medical examination the president weighs in at 239 pounds - or 17 stones 1 pound.

But Twitter is not convinced that such a tall man is not a tad heavier, as his golfing photos seem to suggest and some wag is calling on Donald to produce his 'girth certificate'.

A reference to  Trump's ugly, racist 'birther' campaign in which he claimed President Barack Obama was not an American citizen and called on him to produce a birth certificate.

Now I don't normally comment on a person's weight or physical appearance, but Trump is a terrible bully who feels free to voice his opinion about others, often women, even though he is no 'oil painting' himself.

So if you ask me, Trump deserves all the mockery he gets.


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