Glasgow, Job Evaluation and Equal Pay
"Thank you so much for taking me through my Job Evaluation for the role of a cook.
Glasgow, Job Evaluation and Equal Pay (30/09/20)

A4ES is working hard behind the scenes to get things moving again on the equal pay/job evaluation (JE) front.
Regular readers will recall that Glasgow City Council is committed to replacing its 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme with new, non-discriminatory pay arrangements which means that a new JE scheme has to be introduced.
The good news is that Glasgow Claimants can play their part by getting involved in the job evaluation interviews that are underway - see post below.
Here's what one claimant had to say after meeting with Giuliana (Jules) Mazzoni:
"Thanks (Giuliana) for helping get through the JE questionnaire.
"Was scared at first as I was a bit confused by the Questionnaire, but with your help it was really simple and you were really helpful.
"Everyone make sure you participate with Giuliana and A4ES, it really doesn’t take much time out of your day."
So let's get moving Glasgow because, as ever, many hands make light work when it comes to the fight for equal pay.
Calling Glasgow! (21/09/20)
Action 4 Equality Scotland (A4ES) is working hard to get Glasgow moving again on the job evaluation front after months of disruption caused by the Coronavirus epidemic.
Regular readers will recall that Glasgow City Council has agreed to replace its existing WPBR pay scheme which has been condemned as 'unfit for purpose' by the Court of Session, Scotland's highest civil court.
So, A4ES is now looking for volunteers to participate in job evaluation interviews with our Job Analyst, Giuliana (Jules) Mazzoni.
At the moment we are specifically looking to speak with key workers who have worked throughout the pandemic to understand more about how their job has changed and what challenges Covid–19 has brought to their day to day work.
The purpose of JE is to gain a full and accurate description of the different jobs that workers do across the council and therefore, learning more about key workers roles throughout this difficult time is important to this effort.
Giuliana has made contact with all home carers that she has spoken to across the last year however, if you haven’t yet spoken to Giuliana and would like to then please get in touch.
All interviews / discussions will be held remotely for the moment via telephone, skype, zoom, teams and so on.
However, this is nothing to worry about - Giuliana will be on hand to help you resolve any technical difficulties where possible.
Giuliana will be more than happy to split discussions over more than one session if that is more suitable for some.
Key workers who are interested should email Giuliana at:
Or give Jules a call on: 07563 190261