In Loving Memory

One of the most powerful moments during yesterday's extraordinary March and Rally in support of equal pay was the minute's silence in Glasgow's George Square for all the claimants who have passed away since this dispute began back in 2006/07.

It is, quite simply, a scandal.


In Loving Memory (23/10/18)

Before Glasgow's March and Rally for Equal Pay gets underway later today (Tuesday) there will be a minute's silence for all of the claimants who have passed away since this long-running dispute began back in 2006/07. 

Here are Facebook posts from Stefan Cross 'Remembering' Glasgow claimants.

In Loving Memory - Mary Isbister

Before Glasgow's March and Rally for Equal Pay gets underway tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd) there will be a minute's silence for all of the claimants who have passed away since this long-running dispute began back in 2006/07. 

Here's a Facebook post from Stefan Cross which Remembers another Glasgow claimant - Mary Isbister 


The shocking thing about reminding ourselves about those that have passed still waiting, is how young so many of them.


Her daughter Michelle says

My lovely wee mum Mary Isbister
DOB: 25/11/1954
Passed away on: 27 May 2016

If my mum was still alive today she
two would have be out supporting the strike just like I will be. 💪

Shame on you Glasgow City Council you have dragged your feet on this pay claim for far too long that people have passed away waiting on your finger out. Pay everyone what they are due and settle this issue once and for all Glasgow.

#equal pay
# fight all the way lady’s 💪💪

”In memory of my lovely mum Mary Isbister ❤️

Thank you Michelle. 

Stefan Cross

In Loving Memory - Elaine Russell

Before Glasgow's March and Rally for Equal Pay gets underway tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd) there will be a minute's silence for all of the claimants who have passed away since this long-running dispute began back in 2006/07. 

Here's a Facebook post from Stefan Cross which Remembers another Glasgow claimant - Elaine Russell. 


I got this message from another bereaved relative - DONNA BURNS

I’m so grateful to the relatives for allowing me to do this.

So RIP ELAINE. not forgotten.

Hi Stefan

I think it is great that you are including the women that have passed away in this fight for quality. I would like it if you can include my late mother. Elaine Russell ,home care co ordinator.

Born 25/5/1959 passed away 20/12/2014

My mother was a hard working woman who did all the hours to care for her family and to know that she was robbed of money that she was rightly owed is disgusting behaviour from GCC.

I hope that all my mum's colleagues and the rest of the woman out there get what is rightly theirs.

In Loving Memory - Margaret Gorman

Before Glasgow's March and Rally for Equal Pay gets underway tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd) there will be a minute's silence for all of the claimants who have passed away since this long-running dispute began back in 2006/07. 

Here's a Facebook post from Stefan Cross which Remembers another Glasgow claimant - Margaret Gorman 

Shout to GORDON and his beloved wife Margaret. 
16 years as a home carer. 

She sadly passed away 5 YEARS AGO. This show the obscene delay in these cases. 

Home Carer - 01/07/1994 to 20/11/2010

DOB: 08/04/1952
Passed away on the 12/02/2013
Here is a message from her husband :
My name is Gordon Gorman , I have been representing my late wife through Stefan since my wife passed away while waiting for her claim for equal pay settlement along with her working colleagues. I'm more than happy for a photo of my late wife to be shown in respect to this matter and also in support of her colleagues who are still fighting for this while the council are stalling in settlement in my wife's case and others who have now passed away while waiting for a settlement. I know Margaret would be happy to support her working colleagues in any way that she could. As Margaret's husband and Executor I give you the authority to show her photo in support off her claim that is still waiting to be settled . 
Gordon Gorman

Thanks Gordon. 

In Loving Memory - Ann McCartney

Before Glasgow's March and Rally for Equal Pay gets underway tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd) there will be a minute's silence for all of the claimants who have passed away since this long-running dispute began back in 2006/07. 

Here's a Facebook post from Stefan Cross which Remembers another Glasgow claimant - Ann (Agnes) McCartney 


Another incredibly young loss. Thanks to husband HUGH for sharing.

Agnes (Known as Ann) McCartney

Support for Learning worker – 19/12/2002 - 01/08/2014

DOB: 09/02/1957

Passed away in 2014

Comment from Husband Hugh McCartney
I find it astonishing that 12 years on from when the dispute began that Glasgow District Council have still to come to an agreement when other Councils have already settled their claims.

Agnes or Ann as she was called by everyone was one of the first to back the equal pay claim and also encouraged others to do the same.

She would be turning in her grave now to find that 4 years after her death, this claim has not been settled and that the council are still dragging negotiations out.

This is a scandal and Glasgow District Council should be ashamed of themselves.

Stefan Cross

In Loving Memory - Maureen McDonald

Before Glasgow's March and Rally for Equal Pay gets underway tomorrow (Tuesday 23rd) there will be a minute's silence for all of the claimants who have passed away since this long-running dispute began back in 2006/07. 

Here's a Facebook post from Stefan Cross which Remembers Maureen McDonald. 

Whilst the council scaremongers about the risk to clients

Let’s remember those claimants who have actually passed and whose families still wait for justice.

Let’s remember:

The late Maureen McDonald

DOB: 24/04/1958

Passed away on: 15 March 2015

Catering Manager 01/04/1998 to 25/06/2011

Comments from Husband Charles McDonald

”In memory of my late wife Maureen McDonald I would like to add my support to the cause for equal pay. The City Council have dragged their feet on this pay claim for far too long. Pay the lassies what they are due and settle this issue once and for all Glasgow.”

Thank you Mr. McDonald. We will keep on fighting for you.

And thank you for the great photo.

RIP Maureen.

We will keep up her memory and many others like her.

Stefan Cross

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