Glasgow's Equal Pay Strike

A message from the Glasgow City Unison branch which its rightly proud of the role the union has played in the historic events of the past few days.


Glasgow Equal Pay Strike

The past two days have been great and historic for the trade union movement in our city.

Tuesday was perhaps the greatest day in the history of the UNISON Glasgow Branch, and we've had a few great days over the years.

The strikers were marvellous, picket lines solid and successful, the march and rally incredible and the speeches some of the best ever on a strike day. Our two day strike has resonated with those fighting for equal pay, social justice and equality well beyond Scotland.

There has been too much media coverage to send you all the web links with the strike on every major Scottish and UK TV channel plus several international TV stations. We have received solidarity messages from trade unions across Europe.

The impact of the strike went beyond those balloted and we thank the wider membership for their support and solidarity.

Thanks to all the branch members, stewards, convenors, officers and union staff.

Hopefully the council has got the message. Further updates will be provided in due course.

Well done all.

Brian Smith
Branch Secretary
UNISON Glasgow City

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